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親愛的朋友, 你們好!感謝神容讓我在這裏分享我的真實見證。我在 70 年代生於香港,家有四兄弟姊妹,我排行第三。父母由於努力賺錢,所以從小我們就由家傭照顧。自小我就不懂得和別人溝通,跟家人的關係很差,又沒什麼朋友;所以,我的童年可說是在孤獨和眼涙中渡過。 一九九零年,我們舉家移民加拿大,當時 15 歲的我,盼望移民後能展開人生新的一頁。無奈,我並沒有找到真正的知己,和家 人關係卻變得更加惡劣。我試過離家出走、又試過中途輟學,更試過服藥自殺。後來我看了心理醫生,但對我的情緒卻毫無幫助。 一九九二年, 我結交了一個男朋友,他對我千依百順, 所以我完全倚賴他。兩年後,我們註冊結婚。但婚後不到一年,他卻悄悄地離開了我,原來他去了另一個省份升學, 我知道後便乘飛機前去找他,希望他回心轉意,不要拋棄我。在神的安排下, 我在他唸書的大學裏,遇到了一位基督徒,一問之下,他竟然認識我丈夫的朋友! 終於我找到了我的丈夫... 可惜, 他卻把我送回機場,我跪在地上哀求他,他卻把我交給保安。我別無他法,唯有返回温哥華。返溫後,我每天躺在床上哭,直到一天晩上, 我又萌生自殺念頭, 唯最後心願能跟丈夫説聲「再見」,基於我沒有他的聯絡電話,我唯有再請那基督徒朋友幫忙。那基督徒一聽見我要自殺,便立刻致電給這邊温哥華的好友前來阻止。感謝神,又挽回了我的生命。 後來,那基督徒朋友又安排了温哥華這邊另一位好友來關心我。她也是一位很有愛心的基督徒,常常來找我,又帶我返教會,並介紹了我到一個機構見輔導員。那輔導員另一個身份原來是個傳道人的太太,她對我更加關心和憐憫,記得那時我付不起費用給輔導機構,但她卻從來不介意。每次約見,雖然她都只是和我一起讀聖經和祈禱,但卻帶給我很多安慰和幫助,讓我重新振作,尤其是唸到詩篇 23:4「我雖然行過死蔭的幽谷,也不怕遭害,因為你與我同在;你的杖,你的竿,都安慰我。」後來,那輔導員的丈夫要到另一個省份牧會,她需要偕同他離開温哥華,自此我們暫别了。 1994 年,我在一次佈道會裡,透過牧師引用聖經的話語,神讓我終於明白到祂寶貴的救恩,聖經詩篇8:4-5 記著說:「人算甚麼,你竟顧念他?世人算甚麼,你竟眷顧他?你叫他比天使微小一點,並賜他榮耀尊貴為冠冕。」約𨌺福音 3:16 又記著説:「神愛世人,甚至將祂的獨生子賜給他們...

My True Testimony

Dear friends, Greetings! Thank God for letting me share my real testimony here. I was born in Hong Kong in the 1970s. I have one brother and two sisters, and I am the third kid of my parents. My parents worked really hard to earn money, so we were looked after by domestic helpers in our early ages. Since I was a kid, I didn't know how to communicate with others. I had a bad relationship with my family and had no friends. Therefore, I spent my childhood in loneliness and tears. In 1990, my whole family immigrated to Canada with me. At the age of 15, I was looking forward to a new page in my life. Instead, I did not find a true confidant, but my relationship with my family became even worse. I have tried to run away from home, have dropped out of school and killed myself by drug overdose. After that, I saw a psychiatrist, but it didn't help my mood.  In 1992, I met a boyfriend and he was very submitted to me, so I totally depended on him. Two years later, ...


我從前是一個沒指望的人,但因著認識耶穌基督寶貴的救恩,生命變得有盼望了!雖然仍會遇見風浪,但卻深深地經歷神厚厚的恩典和憐憫。期盼藉此小小博客 , 分享神許多奇妙的作為和大能,因為圍繞著我的,都是雲彩般的見證。讓我從最近一個奇妙的見證說起吧  … 2019 年 12 月 14 日(星期六)的一個下午  …. 突然在一個 Whatsapp  群組裡收到一個十分緊急的短信,是關于我教會一個親愛的姊妹,她兒子因細菌感染腦部,正在醫院的深切治療部被搶救。原來當天她兒子的情況十分危殆,因為他被證實得了腦膜炎雙球菌 (Neisseria Meniningitidis) ,肺專科醫生形容當時他有  90%  會失救。但就在這危急的關頭,神感動許多弟兄姊妹一同為這兒子禱告。當日下午三時許,教會的牧師、長老和執事們不約而同地來到醫院,每隔一小時就為她兒子禱告,不但如此,因為這姊妹大女兒的丈夫是教會的傳道人,他們的教會也在為她兒子禱告,連其他教會認識姊妹和她兒子的弟兄姊妹也禱告,當中有一位姊妹,在家中每隔半小時就為這兒子禱告。 天父不誤事也不誤時 姊妹的兒子於週四晚發病,週五晚開始發燒,週六早上十時多被送院。原來他兒子早已訂了機票,準備於週六下午四時前往洛杉磯觀賞藍球賽。姊妹想到假若她兒子前往洛杉磯後才發病,他肯定回不了來,姊妹就要失去她兒子。 感謝主讓他在上機前病發,出現不適症狀,不然這個兒子可能一去不返。 姊妹深深體會神是有計畫的,不但及時拯救了她兒子的性命,更領她兒子返回羊圈。姊妹分享道:「現在兒子已跟姐姐和姐夫返回教會。原來神是不偏待人的,祂滿有恩典和慈愛,如果你失喪,離開了羊圈,祂會用祂的慈愛把你召回來。以往我曾因為兒子中學時候交了壞朋友,變得反叛而十分傷心,但這位神不但醫治人的身體,也醫治人的心靈。」 以下是奇妙的事發經過: 2019 年 12 月 13 - 14 日(星期五  –  星期六) … 兒子星期四發病,星期五晚上回家後開始發燒,雖然 很辛苦,自己已昏昏迷迷,但星期五晚臨睡時還跟媽媽說,明早要叫醒他,因他要搭四點鐘班機前往 LA 。 十一時半父親給他藥吃,凌晨三時半兒子已不能起身吃東西。 姊妹便和 丈夫分班守在兒子旁 。凌晨 五時姊妹起床照顧兒子...

What Will Heaven Be Like?

What will heaven be like?  Heaven is a place more wonderful than we can ever begin to imagine. It is a place of joy and beauty, of peace and happiness that will never end. Why? Because heaven is also a place where there will be no sin or suffering, no sorrow or pain. It's a place where there will be no quarrels or disagree- ments, no disappointments or weeping-because there will be nothing there to make us sad. And in heaven we will never do anything to displease God. We will then know perfect joy. Psalm 16:11 says, "In Thy presence is fullness of joy; in Thy right hand there are pleasures forever." Everything that now makes us groan will finally be done away with, and we will find ourselves in the very presence of God, where the purest and truest kind of joy is possible. In heaven we will also have perfect knowledge. The Bible says, "Then shall I know even as also I am known" (1 Cor. 13:12). We will have no more unan- swered questions, no confusion, no i...


親愛的訪客: 你們有沒有想過假如身體有一樣感官,你最不願意失去的是哪一樣呢?相信很多人也跟我一樣,最害怕失去的是視力。 但失去視力並不是最可怕的事,最可怕的是落在絕望的黑暗裡而不能自救。視力雖然寶貴,但我們的肉體終有一天會衰殘、會朽壞,聖經告訴我們的 生命原是一片雲霧,出現少時就不見了( 雅各書4:14 ); 所以我們最應該迫切關心的是死後的去向。 很多人以為人死如燈滅,但更多人相信人死後是有審判,人的良知和報應觀就是最好的證據。聖經清楚告訴我們: 按著定命,人人都有一死,死後且有審判( 希伯來書9:27 )但 神愛世人,甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信他的不致滅亡,反得永生。( 約翰福音3:16 ) 你是否在落在黑暗裡呢?你感到人生是否沒有出路嗎? 但你知不知到我們有一位極愛我們的主--耶穌基督,祂曾到世上來,為我們的罪釘身十架,把我們一生罪債還清,以致我們可以 坦然無懼地來到祂施恩的寶座前,為要得憐恤,蒙恩惠,做隨時的幫助。( 希伯來書4:16 )  唯有祂能驅走我們的人生的痛苦和黑暗, 祂應許信祂的人有永生( 約翰福音3:36  ),為他們預備地方,並有一天會再來接他們回到天家( 約翰福音14:3 ),在那裏再沒有 眼淚;再沒有死亡,也不再有悲哀、哭號、疼痛,不再有黑夜( 啟示錄21:4 );因為主神要光照他們,祂就是明亮的晨星。( 啟示錄22:5 ) 送上一首 詩歌,名字叫「 主如明亮辰星 」,若你落在痛苦和絕望中,但願這受詩歌能夠成為你的安慰,因為主耶穌基督就是我們的光明和盼望! [1]當我在黑暗痛苦絕望中,有一曙光明照在我心,祂是那稱為奇妙的救主, 捨棄天上榮華為我降生,     祂又為我被釘在十字架, 情願受苦洗淨我的罪, 我要唱奇妙主哈利路亞, 從今後永不會再絕望。 [2]救主耶穌基督被接升天, 祂去原為我預備地方, 就必再來接我到祂父家, 永遠與主同在到千萬年,     到那時再沒有痛苦悲傷, 只有甜美快樂的笑容, 眾聖徒同集在明亮聖城, 滿心歡頌讚美主大恩。 [副]祂仁慈善良的愛,領我衝破狂風巨浪,主如一顆明亮的晨星,帶給我無限的希望。

Where do we get that perfect righteousness?

Where do we get that perfect righteousness? If you truly believe in Him, the full merit of Jesus' own righteousness is credited (imputed) to you-to all those who trust Him alone for salvation. The Bible teaches that God "justifies the ungodly" by reckoning (or crediting) Chrisť's righteousness to them (Romans 4:5). Believers are clothed in His righteousness, and God accepts them solely and exclusively on that basis. That's why the Apostle Paul was will- ing to discard all his own efforts to earn God's favor, preferring instead to stand before God robed in a righteousness that was not his own (Philippians 3:8-9). If you are not a Christian, you need to lay hold of this truth by faith: the sin that will keep you out of heaven has no cure but the blood of Christ. If you are weary of your sin and exhausted from the load of your guilt, He tenderly holds forth the offer of life and forgiveness and eternal rest to you: "Come unto that labour and are heavy la...

Unconditional Love

Dear friends, Thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule to read this. Hope in these few minutes, you will realize that there is a true God who loves you. He not only watches over you day by day, He has also prepared you the very precious gifts: His unconditional love and eternal life. The Bible begins by telling us: "In the beginning, God created the “heaven and the earth." (Genesis 1:1), "So God created man in His own image. " (Genesis 1:27) God loves us. He first created the beautiful nature. He then created human to enjoy all the abundance. This is how the loving parents had prepared everything before the birth of the baby. However, no matter how meticulous God's love for mankind is, human chose to listen to Satan instead of God, worship idols instead of the creator. As a result, people bear the pain and curse brought about by their sins, like a happy family that suffers sadness and brokenness because of human faults. The Bible s...

What if I stopped sinning now and sin again?

What if I stopped sinning now and sin again? No matter how hard we try, we could never stop sining because we are hopelessly in bondage to sin. The Bible tells us even our hearts are deceitful and des- perately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). In other words, we are sinful to the core. Furthermore, even a single sin would be enough to destroy us forever: "Whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all" (James 2:10). But even if we never sinned from now on, we would still be guilty of our past sins. And as the Bible says, “The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). But the good news is that God has provided a way to free us from the guilt of sin!

Earn the right to be loved?

Have you ever felt like you’ve had to earn someone's acceptance or love? You feel that they will only accept you if you are smarter or more popular than you already are? That you can only earn their love by being an all-star on a sports team or voted onto Homecoming Court? Sometimes we feel like we have to earn the right to be loved, but then it seems like no matter how hard we try, it never is good enough. But did you know that you were created, just the way you are, by God? The Bible says that every person -including you- is "wonderfully made" by God. He "formed" you and “intricately" created you (Psalm 139:13-15). God loves you for who you are and for who he created you to be. No matter how you feel, no matter what you've done, God still loves you and will accept you - no matter what! Even though God is perfect, we are not. God knows everything about us. He knows the good things that we do and the bad things that we don't want anyone to k...

How good do I have to be to go to heaven?

How good do I have to be to go to heaven? Most people understand that doing evil can keep us out of heaven. But few realize the Bible also teaches that doing good cannot get us in. None of us could ever gain enough merit to deserve heaven. We are sinful, and God's standard is utter perfection. Jesus said, “Unless your righteous- ness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, vou shall not enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:20). He added, “You are to be perfect, as your heav- enly Father is perfect" (v. 48). Who then can go to heaven? Who can be saved? Jesus' disciples asked Him this same question (Matthew 19:25). His answer? “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible" (v. 26). In other words, being saved so that we can go to heaven is not something we can accomplish. It is something God must do for us. 

What has God done for me to take away my sin so I can go to heaven?

What has God done for me to take away my sin so I can go to heaven? When God forgives, He cannot merely overlook sin. Full payment (atonement) must be made for our sin. Christ's death made full atonement for those who trust Him. If we believe in Him, His dying counts in our stead, paying for our sins in full. The Bible says, "The blood of Jesus . . . cleanses us from all sin" (1 John 1:7). It is only through the blood of Christ that we can ever be cleansed from t he terrible guilt of sin. But that only erases the guilt of our sin; we still need perfect righteousness in order to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:20).

How can I be sure Christ will save me?

How can I be sure Christ will save me?   The Bible promises that no one who believes in Christ will be turned away: "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out" (John 6:37). In the closing words of the Bible, Christ invites all to come to Him and receive the promise of heaven: "... Let him that heareth . . . come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely" (Rev. 22:17b). If you would like to know Jesus Christ as your Saviour and have the promise of heaven, we would encourage you to receive Him right now wherever you are. Simply pray: "Dear Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I know that You died for me to pay for sins. Please forgive me and make me one of Your own, that I may live in Heaven with You for all eternity.


我是主的羊   【我是主的羊】 詩集:青年聖歌 III,43 版權屬宣道出版社所有,允許使用 更多詩歌分享可前往Youtube (歌词) 主領我到青草地,安歇在溪水旁; 黃昏時主與我一路同行, 牧場上主的羊都得飽足心快暢,我是主的羊。 青草地(死蔭幽谷),溪水旁(高山峻嶺), 黃昏時(黃昏時),有主與我同行 (有主與我同行)。 黑暗夜(死蔭幽谷),路崎嶇(高山峻嶺), 每一步(每一步),跟隨主行 (跟隨主行)。 主領我到青草地,安歇在溪水旁; 黃昏時主與我一路同行, 牧場上主的羊都得飽足心快暢,我是主的羊。

Redeeming the time

"Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:16 We all know that time is precious, but many times we do waste much of our time. Ever since the smartphones and touch screen computers were invented, we spent even more time on internet browsing and games playing. One of the reasons the Bible warns us to "redeem the time" is "time" is God's gift. It's precious and limited. If we waste our time on repeatedly doing things that have no eternal values, we'll regret one day. Another reason for cherishing time is "because the days are evil". What does this mean? The Bible tells us that the closer the end time is, the more evil the people are. Things the world used to condemn, they're now legalized; things we used to be ashamed of, we now accept. If you look at the news today, you'll agree that the world is full of wickedness. In my childhood, I used to live in a friendly and caring neighborhood that there was...

New Year, New Life

Dear friends, Happ New Year! Have you made any new year's resolutions? Looking back at the past year, we always feel we didn't do as good as we're supposed to: not studying hard enough, working hard enough, have not treated families and friends well enough, etc. And we always hope things will be better in the year ahead. However, no matter how hard we have tried, there are things we can't change. The Bible tells us that: “For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—“ (Romans 7:18-19). Many times we don't do what we should do, but do what we shouldn't do. Why? It's because we all have sinful nature. More seriously, “… the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Sins result in our spiritual death, and it broke our relationships with the loving God, our heavenly Father. But God loves us so much that He sent His only son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross ...

Thai youth football team trapped in cave

Dear friends, Thank you for taking time to read this. A few while ago a football team of 12 teens and their 25-year-old coach went into a cave in Northern Thailand for adventure. It was nine days before a British diver found the team trapped inside the cave which was flooded by heavy rain. The cave is more than 10 km long, and the tunnel is complex. There are signs along the road warning people not to enter the cave. However, the football team got in and was being trapped. The flooded cave has pile of sharp rocks and narrow bends that it took a diver six hours to swim up to the hole. A former Thai Seal member died due to lack of oxygen during the rescue operation. However, rescuers did not give up. Expert divers from all over the world came to join the rescue. Nine of Thailand Navies entered the cave voluntarily to accompany the victims until they escaped. Since the soccer team have never dived before, rescuers had to escort each member carefully through the channels. Amaz...